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4 the archives

Aktualisiert: 28. Okt. 2022

After wandering through the Innsbruck districts of Hötting and St. Nikolaus in the heat yesterday, following in the footsteps of Anna Pritzi, today I went to the air-conditioned spaces of the reading room of the Ferdinandeum library. Here I spoke with the director Roland Sila and searched through the library's card index and catalogues. I leafed through historical newspapers of Innsbruck for announcements of Pritzi's theatre. I unfortunately found no announcements specifically for her theatre, but many others from the time that sound wonderfully like Hollywood blockbusters. They announce great effects, bad villains and toxic witches, but also always heavily spoil that everything will be fine in the end and the good guys will win.

Afterwards I went to the city archives to find out the current address of Weierburggasse 567 1/2. To cut a long story short, the archive sent me to the land registry and the land registry sent me to the Tyrolean provincial archive, only to end up going back to the city archive and finally finding out that it was Weiherburggasse 1. So this is where Anna Pritzi lived. You can see it on the blog's cover photo, but her house was demolished in 1978 and apartment buildings were built.

photo: entrance Tiroler Landesmuseum Ferdinandeum

photo: description of a theatre performance at Rößl in der Aue, Innsbrucker Tagblatt, 22. Juli 1853

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