I got a great tip from Christian Fornwagner from the Tyrolean Provincial Archives. All baptism, marriage and death registers of Tyrol from the 18th and 19th centuries can be found online! I dug through the old registers and patiently deciphered the old writing. Now I know all the data on Anna Pritzi, her parents, her husband Sebastian and their children. Anna Pritzi became 78 years old and her husband, a shoemaker, died only 4 years before her. Hence, she was not a widow at the time she was working on theatre plays and performances. The question arises as to why the image of the play-writing and directing shoemaker's widow has become so entrenched in tradition. It is mentioned in almost every report or article I have read. Perhaps the authors of the 19th century travelogues liked the reference to Hans Sachs, the poet-shoemaker. Or they simply could not imagine that a married woman would have the time to devote to the theatre in addition to her family duties. But what does the husband's profession actually have to do with Anna Pritzi's theatre work and why is it so important to mention it again and again? It really surprises me that this false fact has been accepted and published unquestioningly up to the present day.
This is the transcription of Anna Pritzi's data that I found in the registers (https://matriken.tirol.gv.at):
Taufbuch St Nikolaus
Maria Anna Brix
3. September 1783
Eltern Johann Brix geachter Tuchmachermeister und Theresia Brix gebohrene Schmozerin
Traubuch St Nikolaus
1811 den 18ten Februarii um 6 Uhr in der Frühe
Haus Nr. 174
Bräutigams Namen
Sebastian Reitmair Schuster:Maister zu Mühlau Landgerichts Hall zu Innsbruck gebohren, ein Sohn des Franz Reithmayrs Sta[…] = Musikants selig und der Magdalena gebohrene Reisiglerin.
Sie erhielten durch ihren K.k. Landgericht in Hall Erlaubnis nur […] zweymaliger Verkündigung Sich zuverehelichen.
Copulavit Ildephonsus de Lorenzo Capelanus Localis ad St. Nicolaum
Alter 1785, katholisch
Brautes Namen
Anna Brixin von St Nikolaus bey Innsbruck, eine Tochter des Johann Brix Tuchmacher:Maister, und der Theresia gebohrene Schmozerin selig
Alter 3.9.1783, katholisch
Beistände Namen und Stande
Mathias Wayer, Woll=Weber:Maister
Antoni Egger, Nagl=Schmid:Maister
Sterbebuch St Nikolaus
1857 Dezember 28ten, 3 Nachmittag, Hausnummer 567 1/2
Reitmeyr Sebastian, von hier, verehel. gewesener Schuhmacher=meister, Lebensjahr 73, Krankheit und Todesart Lungenlähmung
1861 den 12ten November, 4 1/4 früh, Hausnummer 567 1/2
Reitmeyr Anna, geb. Brix von hier Schuhmachermeisterwittwe, Lebensjahr 80, Krankheit und Todesart Altersschwäche
[falsches Alter? War sie nicht 78 Jahre alt?]
aus dem Meldebuch Innsbruck 1856, TLA
Kinder von Sebastian Reitmayr und Anna geb. Brix
Josef (*1813 in Mühlau), Schustermeister > verheiratet mit Anna geb. Weiß aus Mils/ Hall, Kinder: Josef (*1809 [wahrscheinlich 1849] in Innsbruck), Anna (*1853 in Innsbruck), Amalia (*1857 in Innsbruck), Ignaz (*25/4 1866 in Innsbruck)
Maria (*1815 in Mühlau), Näherin > uneheliche Kinder: Maria (*1853 in Innsbruck) und Jakob (*1848 in Innsbruck)